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Key Documents & Links

2023-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)  >2022-2023 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)  >Budget Overview for Parents >CGA School Re-Opening Plan >ESSER-III Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan >ESSER-III Expenditure Plan >Expanded Learning Opportunities Program PlanFresno County Charter Special Education Local Plan >Fresno County Charter SELPA Plan - Sections A, B, D, E and Attachments >COVID-19 Student Illness and Quarantine Guidelines >Fresno County Dept. of Public Health Return to School Guidance >Free Meals for All Students at CGA >
Policy on pupil suicide prevention in kindergarten and grades 1 to 6 (EDC 234.6)
- BP20-030 Suicide Prevention Policy 
Policy on preventing and responding to hate violence (EDC 234.6)
Policy on anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, anti- intimidation, and anti-bullying policies (EDC 234.6)
- BP 24-023 - Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, Retaliation and Bullying Policy
- BP20-024 - Prohibiting Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation
- BP20-002 - Pupil Suspension and Expulsion Policy
Policy on employee interaction with pupils (EDC 44050)
- BP20-015 - Professional Standards of Employee Behavior
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- 2022-23 SARC
- 2021-22 SARC
Policy on Education Protection Account Revenues and Expenditures
- 2022-23 EPA Statement Revenue and Expenditures
- 2021-22 EPA Statement Revenue and Expenditures
Policy on Mandatory Disenrollment Notice (EDC 47605(d)(e)
- Link to CDE Website
- Ed Code Section 47605(e)(4)
Policy about the list of individual(s) and contact information of those who serve as liaisons to homeless students, and unspecified “specific information” about educational rights and resources available to persons experiencing homelessness (EDC 48852.6)
- BP 24-028 - Homeless Education Policy
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(559) 575-0587
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